Professional Ovens
The range of Zio Ciro wood-fired ovens for professional use includes three different models. Each Zio Ciro oven comes in an easy-to-assemble kit.
Our professional ovens are composed of:
The Dome made with a special refractory materials that are resistant to high cooking temperatures, allowing for long operating hours and efficient use of wood;
The shaped Top made of large, easy-to-assemble pieces, including baked refractory elements that are resistant to wear and their thermal properties maintain heat for a long period of time.
Don Raffaele
Professional wood fired oven
Professional Ovens are made entirely of high quality refractory material, which ensures the durability of the components and reduced wood consumption compared to other professional ovens on the market. It comes in a KIT of various elements that have to be assembled.
The professional oven with it’s anti-wear top, is ideal for a prolonged use and for better cooking possibile. Ideal to be installed in pizzerias, restaurants, taverns or kitchens, simply by following our easy assembly instructions.
Once assembled the external part can be finished and made at will according to your own taste and the style of the room, all the materials used in the production of the oven are 100% Made in Italy and safe for the kitchen and food use.
The oven is ideal for cooking classic pizza or bread, roasts, fish, grilled vegetables, sweet and savory pies, biscuits, etc. With a diameter of 120cm inside the Don Raffaele oven has a capacity of 6-8 pizzas.
Zio Ciro
Professional Wood fired oven for Pizza
Professional Ovens are made entirely of high quality refractory material, which ensures the durability of the components and reduced wood consumption compared to other professional ovens on the market. It comes in a KIT of various elements that have to be assembled.
The professional oven with it’s anti-wear top, is ideal for a prolonged use and for better cooking possibile. Ideal to be installed in pizzerias, restaurants, taverns or kitchens, simply by following our easy assembly instructions.
Once assembled the external part can be finished and made at will according to your own taste and the style of the room, all the materials used in the production of the oven are 100% Made in Italy and safe for the kitchen and food use.
The oven is ideal for cooking classic pizza or bread, roasts, fish, grilled vegetables, sweet and savory pies, biscuits, etc. With a diameter of 120x165cm inside the Zio Ciro oven has a capacity of 10-12 pizzas.
Don Gennaro
Professional Wood Fired Oven
Professional Ovens are made entirely of high quality refractory material, which ensures the durability of the components and reduced wood consumption compared to other professional ovens on the market. It comes in a KIT of various elements that have to be assembled. The professional oven with it’s anti-wear top, is ideal for a prolonged use and for better cooking possibile. Ideal to be installed in pizzerias, restaurants, taverns or kitchens, simply by following our easy assembly instructions. Once assembled the external part can be finished and made at will according to your own taste and the style of the room, all the materials used in the production of the oven are 100% Made in Italy and safe for the kitchen and food use. The oven is ideal for cooking classic pizza or bread, roasts, fish, grilled vegetables, sweet and savory pies, biscuits, etc. With a diameter of 150cm inside the Don Gennaro oven has a capacity of 10-12 pizzas.