Gas Turbine Cleaning Systems

R-MC Industrial Gas Turbine Cleaner

Amine based formula for gas path cleaning of industrial gas turbines in running or crankwash applications. Has higher temperature stability than any other commercially available alternative. Biodegradable, nontoxic & nonflammable, meets all OEM specifications, easy to rinse.

Product Part Numbers

42178 (4:1)Concentrate
4078 (6:1) Concentrate


PowerGuard Compressor Cleaner

Similar to PowerBack this amine based formula has twice the active ingredient, and can be used for heavy duty gas turbine cleaning and crankwashing.

PowerGuard contains ECT’s proprietary low foam technology to improve cleaning and reduce rinse water consumption. Biodegradable, nontoxic & nonflammable, meet all OEM specifications.

Product Part Numbers

42178 (4:1) Concentrate
